When it comes time to choose your senior portrait locations, most seniors do want some portraits in the city, but after that decision you become lost - not knowing at all what you want or where you would like to go. Often famous locations like the Nelson-Atkins Museum, or Liberty Memorial come to mind, just because they are familiar and everyone knows they photograph beautifully. But really, location selection doesn’t have to be all that hard.
I knew that Trinity was going to be wearing this classic black dress with a white bow, and because she wanted me to choose a location for her, I came up with an area in the Crossroads with black and white buildings side by side. But we got there in the morning for that part of her Platinum photoshoot, and the area I had chosen for her was in full, bright sun, which can be very harsh and unflattering (plus plain complicated for a photographer to deal with). So, I just looked across the street and saw that side was in shade. There happened to be a very normal building there, with lots of glass, and I thought, “why not!? That looks as good as anything” and so we just crossed the street, and look how it all turned out.
If you would like for me to choose some or all of your senior locations for you, I would be happy to do that. But be prepared - it may look very ordinary and unphotogenic to you when we get there. But I know what my camera and lens see, and my own method of shooting, so you just have to trust me! Not every senior portrait location has to be a special, known place After all, the portraits are of YOU, not a building. Give me any block of the city and I can get you lovely senior portraits there.